Dr. Willie Gable, Jr.


May 2013

Dear Members:

How can one begin to thank God for such a marvelous privilege?   Recalling the formative years of life as a youngster growing up in the Calliope Public Housing units there were thoughts of all kinds of careers; boxer, musician, football player, actor and the list went on and on.  However, never was there a desire or inclination to serve God as a preacher.   There is a quote I recall from my first year of college which stated; “never let your grasp exceed your reach for what is a heaven for you.”  This is to say you should never be able to grab your ultimate goal.

The past twenty-five years have been such a quest.  My goals have been ever before me but never within reach so I have pressed.   Memories are flooded with so many inexpressible moments that time can not diminish nor ever erase them.  I am so appreciative of your support, hugs, kisses, smiles, gifts, prayers and love.  To be sure not just that which has been shown to me and my family, but your love for Jesus Christ has been my greatest joy.

There are continuing unexpected blessing during the simple routine of a day.   When from a distance you hear someone, who appears to be total strangers say with excitement; “you don’t remember me but I am so and so child or grandchild and I attended Progressive.   The countless numbers who remind you how either you baptized them, or helped them in some by gone day always bring amazement, a bit of melancholy trying determine why they are not still with the family and the reality of the swiftness of time.

The Christian life is a pilgrimage. At times the road is difficult, and we get weary.  Sometimes we may become discouraged and consider abandoning the journey.  It is at such times that God will place a friend alongside.  I have found one of God’s most precious gifts is a brother or sister who encourages us and lovingly challenge us to “keep going.”   Progressive you have been that friend for the past twenty-five years.

Again, thank you for allowing me to serve you these past twenty-five years and for sharing the love of Jesus Christ, “which passes all understanding.”  May God continue to bless each and every one of you abundantly, and The Progressive Baptist Church vineyard to His glory and Honor.


In The Name:


Willie Gable, Jr.,  D.Min.  Pastor